Stories That Build
Views:529 | By: Isaac
Is having a child or let us call it a blessing at a tender age or else while in school a sin? Or what is that sin one does makes everyone hate you including your biological mother?

Regina was living in her own world, living in a desert of calamity, life of hate was all she knew. She had no friends to support her in times of need, neither her parents or relatives ever wanted to hear from her. But why her? What made life turn out to be soo hard and stressing for her at that age?

Unfortunately, this happened after she gave birth to a baby girl while in school and the rascal responsible was no where to be seen a month to her delivery date. Maybe this became a great disappointment to his family because in their community it was an abomination to give birth while still in your mother's house. This made them turn their backs on her to an extent where she feared going home from school just to avoid those devils she called her people. But what could she do than to accept the denial and let them bring up her baby in anyway they felt comfortable. Maybe one day God would change everything from worse to better, and live a happy life with her little girl.

But there was this feeling inside one of her roommate that maybe her fell there was a secret she never wanted to tell or share with people and that was the reason behind all these hardships as she could not comprehend how people can hate her including her own mother.

As we said earlier on, depression is a state of mind, but we can change this impression if only we can be open to people or else trust one person with all one's secrets. This can help us heal, have ideas and courage to face people with reality changing their way of thinking towards us.
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