Stories That Build
The weight loss paradox
Views:648 | By: Benson
The weight loss paradox
Unless you are as slender as me, you barely see how a little bit of chubbiness looks beautiful.

Just the other day, I took a bike ride around the hood and happened to bump into a friend who was on the way to the gym. She said she's on a mission to lose some weight, according to her, she thought she needed to lose some to look more prettier. I do not agree with her, I however picked a point.

She said the gym is like an appetizer, you work out pretty well and feel really good, it makes the metabolism go as high as your kitchen ceiling. Right after gym, the temptation is to pass by your favorite chicken spot and pick a few wings, as it turns out. These wings rarely go well without chips.

Here's the paradox, the work out is to lose weight but in the end, we all end up at the wings spot and there comes the thing we were chasing away.
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